Here’s what to do when you get booked for a tarot party.
You’ve created your website. You’ve networked and put yourself out there. You’ve done some amazing readings and the word is getting out! One fabulous woman wants to host a private tarot party for her friends.
Here’s how to get ready:
1. Set the Tarot Party date and time
2. Discuss and settle your fee
What will you charge for your readings at the Tarot Party? You could charge a flat fee for the evening or per person.
I charge $25 per person for a 20 minute reading. I feel comfortable at this price. Some people may charge more or less, but go with what YOU feel comfortable with.
3. The Tarot Reading Space
Ask your host ahead of time to provide a separate space for you to quietly do your one-on-one readings.
4. Prepare yourself mentally
I try to do a nice, long meditation before the event to feel grounded and release any loose thoughts bouncing around in my head. But even five minutes to ground yourself, visualize a white light of protection around you and set an intention to provide an uplifting and positive experience for the guests is enough. But do give yourself a minute before you enter the party.
5. Look and Feel Beautiful
Some people will be naturally skeptical about getting a tarot reading, but when they see you looking so pretty/elegant/professional – whatever your look is – their guard will drop – plus you will feel confident and fabulous and that will help with everything!
Do your nails, too. All eyes will be on your hands as you shuffle and touch the cards. Get your nails polished and ready. Finally, wear some nice jewelry. It’ll up your sparkle. Don’t be afraid to play up your wardrobe tonight with your funky jewelry and accessories.
6. Bring your magical ambiance with you.

As a professional business woman and modern empress, always come prepared.
Your host will provide a table and some chairs, but bring those extra touches that will make their tarot experience with you be magical and memorable.
Here are some ideas to bring:
—> Bring your magic bag:
- Bring a pretty tablecloth &/or fabric to cover up the table. I usually place a silk scarf over the tablecloth to add color, sparkle and coziness to the table. (Note: Inevitably, something will get spilled on it. Once, I spilled candle wax on it. Another time, a woman spilled her drink – so don’t use anything expensive or something dear to you). I’ve purchased very nice scarves at the Salvation Army or resale stores.
- Battery-operated candles – big ones or votive size. You can put them in pretty candle holders.
- Incense (ask your host first if it’s okay with them).
- Your business cards
- An email mailing list – If they love your reading, get them on your newsletter list!
- A sign-up sheet. (Depending on the type of event, people who want a reading may be coming and going – such as a vendor fair – offer a sign-up sheet on the table with time slots and have them schedule their reading.)
- a good pen (or a few good pens) and some paper to give to your clients in case they want to jot down some notes.
Additional Items you can bring:
- A bottle of water – You will be doing a lot of talking and depending on the number of people you will be reading for, you may not have a chance to grab water. Be prepared and bring your own bottle.
- Snacks – again, depending on the event, you may not have an opportunity to grab something to eat. Come prepared and eat before the event, and bring a snack in case the event goes for a long time. Some nuts, a small sandwich, a protein bar, whatever you know will tide you over.
- Flowers – this is always a nice touch that brings beauty, elegance and a sense of peace to the table. Bring a nice, small bouquet or just one or two flowers will work too. I learned this from a dear friend and fellow entrepreneur during a vendor event. She set up her table so beautifully, with fresh flowers and pretty fabrics on the table, it was hard to resist being drawn to her table. Since then, I’ve also seen a lot of other ladies decorate their tables to suit their business – old picture frames as a jewelry display or even a sign with your business name.
- Crystals and stones for good energy and atmosphere.
- A timer. Your phone will probably have one, but if you don’t want your phone on the table, grab a kitchen timer at the dollar store. Especially if you are a new reader and/or a very good reader, people want to talk. Sometimes it can feel awkward to cut them short so if the timer goes off, blame the timer!
- Have a payment system, such as PayPal or Square, ready and activated on your phone. Depending on how the host has organized the payment, you may get your payment at the end of the party, or maybe, each person will pay you at the time of the reading. Whatever the case may be, be prepared to accept credit card payments.
7. Have a system ready for how you will read the cards.
I usually start by asking them to pull one card each from an angel deck and an oracle deck.
I feel these are messages the querent needs to hear from the angels. Introducing the reading with angel cards also drops their guard, especially if they have some reservations or fears around tarot.
I usually use one spread for the entire evening. I feel comfortable using that spread. If you feel comfortable using multiple spreads and changing it up based on the client, you do that. Whatever feels good for you.
At the end, I usually come back to the angel messages and see how they connect with the overall reading.
Keeping to this structure helps me feel more prepared, relaxed and comfortable, hence I can read the cards better and be more fully present for each client.
Find a structure/routine/ritual that works well for you or feel free to try this one.
8. Thank the Host
At the end of the event, make it a point to thank your host personally. Always be classy and professional. Take the opportunity to hand out your business card to anyone who might want it if the energy feels right to do so at that moment.
In my opinion, I wouldn’t stay to hang out and chitchat with the guests. Keep your mystery. Gracefully say goodbye and you’re done. Pat yourself on the back. You did it!
I’d love to hear how you prepare for a tarot party and/or event. Do you have any tarot reading rituals set in place when reading for lots of people? Please leave a comment below. <3
Wishing you great success!
PS If you love reading and learning about tarot, take a look at the article I wrote on Tarot & Travel in Toledo, Spain.
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